Relax, Relaxed, Relaxing or Relaxation?

Relax, Relaxed, Relaxing or Relaxation?

One mistake that I often notice students making is using ‘relax’ as a noun. In English, ‘relax’ is a verb, and the correct noun form is ‘relaxation’. How then do we use the forms ‘relaxed’ and ‘relaxing’? Read on to find the answer and learn more about this essential vocabulary.

We promise you one of the most relaxing reads you can have today…
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Effective Phrases for Writing Colleague Feedback

Effective Phrases for Writing Colleague Feedback

Do you often need to write feedback on your colleagues? Are you often at a loss for words, struggling to express your thoughts tactfully and professionally? Dive into this article for phrases that will help you craft both positive and less than positive feedback with ease. We’re sure it will give you some inspiration and make the task simpler.

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Truth & Lies Idioms

Truth & Lies Idioms

In this post, we’ll explore how we discuss truths and lies using colorful idiomatic expressions like “come clean,” “pull the wool over someone’s eyes,” and “spill the beans,” among others. We’ll provide context to help you understand how these expressions are used naturally and effectively. Additionally, we’ll review the most common word combinations (collocations) related to truth and lies, and we’ll top it all off with a few exercises to practice the vocabulary. So, read on…

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