Relax, Relaxed, Relaxing or Relaxation?

Relax, Relaxed, Relaxing or Relaxation?

One mistake that I often notice students making is using ‘relax’ as a noun. In English, ‘relax’ is a verb, and the correct noun form is ‘relaxation’. How then do we use the forms ‘relaxed’ and ‘relaxing’? Read on to find the answer and learn more about this essential vocabulary.

We promise you one of the most relaxing reads you can have today…
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I Wish & If Only

I Wish & If Only

In continuation of our Conditionals series of posts, we’d like to devote this one to 2 very commonly used constructions – “I wish” and “if only.” Meaning-wise, both express wishes and hopes. However, note that we don’t have to use them to talk about the future every time. All you need to know about this grammar is in this article, including practical exercises, so read on…

I wish I would become a real writer one day.
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Third & Mixed Conditionals

Third & Mixed Conditionals

Welcome back to our exploration of conditionals! If you’re joining us for the first time, don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through. This post marks the exciting next chapter in our journey through conditional sentences. But before we delve into the complexities of third and mixed conditionals, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. Have you checked out our first article, “Zero, First, and Second Conditionals”? It’s available here. Trust us, understanding these basics will make the upcoming topics much easier to grasp. So, if you’re ready, let’s get started!

If we hadn’t stopped at the sunflower field, I wouldn’t have such a lovely picture!
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