“Can’t Help” Constructions

“Can’t Help” Constructions

Although “help” is one of the most common English verbs, learners sometimes have difficulty using it in certain constructions. Let’s learn them and make no mistakes!

#1. I Can’t Help It!

Meaning: If you can’t help something, you can’t stop yourself from doing it.

Form: Subject + can’t help + V-ing/noun/pronoun


  1. Watching the funny animal video, I couldn’t help laughing. (= The video was so funny I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.)
  2. I can’t help my curiosity about what’s inside that mysterious box. (= I can’t stop myself from wanting to know what’s in that mysterious box.)
  3. I shouldn’t have said it, but I couldn’t help myself. (= I know I had to keep my mouth shut, but I wasn’t able to do it.)
  4. Stop laughing! – I can’t help it! (= I can’t stop laughing!)

Other phrases:

If you say “I can’t help feeling” instead of “I feel” or “I think,” you express your opinion in a more indirect way. For example:

  1. I can’t help feeling that this may be a trap. (= I feel/think that this may be a trap.)
  2. I couldn’t help feeling he was playing with us. (= I thought/felt he was playing with us.)

#2. It Can’t Be Helped

Meaning: There is no way something can be prevented from happening.

Form: It/Noun/V-ing + can’t be helped.


  1. The company is going to declare itself bankrupt. I’m afraid it can’t be helped.
  2. If you think climate change can’t be helped, you’re wrong. We need to take action right now.
  3. Going bankrupt can’t be helped if you are completely unable to run your business.

#3. Not If I Can Help It

Meaning: (spoken) The speaker is not going to do something.


  1. Are you going to stay very long? – Not if I can help it. (= I’m not.)
  2. Are you going to watch the school play? – Not if I can help it.

#4. Can’t Help But…

Meaning: If you can’t help but do something, you can’t stop yourself from doing it.

I can’t help but do it = I can’t help doing it (see #1 above).

Form: Someone + can’t help but + V


  1. I can’t help but smile when I see the dog in the picture.
  2. I can’t help but look at you. You are so beautiful.
  3. I couldn’t help but think about what other people think.


Exercise 1. Paraphrase the sentences using one of the 4 constructions: can’t help but do something, can’t help doing something, it can’t be helped, or not if I can help it. Then check the suggested answers below.

  1. The rain ruined our picnic plans, and there was nothing we could do about it.
  2. She always finds herself smiling whenever she sees her newborn baby.
  3. Despite our efforts, the delay in the shipment of materials is inevitable.
  4. I find it impossible not to feel anxious before a job interview.
  5. Are you going to attend that wedding? – I’m not.
  6. I really think that we are not welcome here.
Suggested answers 🔑
  1. The rain ruined our picnic plans, and we couldn’t help it.
  2. Whenever she sees her newborn baby, she can’t help but smile.
  3. The delay in the shipment of materials can’t be helped.
  4. I can’t help feeling anxious before a job interview.
  5. Are you going to attend that wedding? – Not if I can help it.
  6. I can’t help feeling that we are not welcome here.

Exercise 2. Use a construction described in this post, or any number of them you like, to create sentences that are true for you. Post them in the comments below to receive feedback on your grammar.

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” ― George Burns

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