Effective Phrases for Writing Colleague Feedback

Effective Phrases for Writing Colleague Feedback

Do you often need to write feedback on your colleagues? Are you often at a loss for words, struggling to express your thoughts tactfully and professionally? Dive into this article for phrases that will help you craft both positive and less than positive feedback with ease. We’re sure it will give you some inspiration and make the task simpler.


In the first paragraph of your report, you may want to outline the purpose of your writing. Here’s how you can start:

  • The purpose/objective of this feedback report is to provide [your colleague’s name] with constructive insights on [his/her] performance/a balanced assessment of [his/her] performance over the past [period]. The feedback aims to recognize [his/her] strengths and highlight areas for improvement to support [his/her] professional development and contribute to our team’s success. (Alternatively: My goal is to recognize [his/her] achievements and identify opportunities for improvement, helping [him/her] to enhance [his/her] skills and effectiveness within the team.)
  • In the spirit of continuous improvement / To nurture talent and drive excellence / As part of our commitment to fostering a supportive and productive work environment, this report offers [your colleague’s name] comprehensive feedback on [his/her] performance..


After you’ve outlined the purpose of your writing, let’s focus on the positive aspects before delving into more sensitive ones.

  • [Your colleague’s name] consistently demonstrates/exhibits excellent/strong ~ skills. (Of course, you need to specify which skills you are referring to and provide evidence to substantiate your claims.)
  • [Your colleague’s name] excels in ~.
  • [Your colleague’s name] demonstrates exceptional ~ qualities.
  • [Your colleague’s name] possesses outstanding ~ abilities.
  • [Your colleague’s name] is highly proficient/skilled in ~.
  • [Your colleague’s name] shows/possesses a natural talent for ~.
  • [Your colleague’s name] demonstrates a high level of ~.
  • [Your colleague’s name] consistently delivers high-quality work. (Evidence should follow.)
  • [Your colleague’s name] shows a strong commitment to ~.
  • [Your colleague’s name] consistently meets or exceeds goals and targets. (Give some concrete examples of achievements over the period under review.)

Areas for Improvement

Now it’s time to delve into their weaknesses. Remember to focus on work-related aspects without getting personal. Use phrases similar to the ones provided below::

  • [Your colleague’s name] could benefit from ~. (Once more, be specific and support your recommendations with sound reasoning.)
  • While [your colleague’s name] is highly capable, [he/she] sometimes ~. I suggest + noun/V-ing (Clearly explain what you suggest and why it could be beneficial both to the colleague and the team).
  • [Your colleague’s name]’ ~ skills could be further developed. (What skills? How can they be developed? Why is that important?)
  • While [your colleague’s name] has strengths in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement in ~.
  • [Your colleague’s name] may sometimes struggle/encounter challenges with ~.
  • [Your colleague’s name] could enhance their performance by focusing on ~.
  • [Your colleague’s name] may need to ~ in order to reach their full potential.
  • [Your colleague’s name] could work on refining [his/her] ~ to become more effective in their role.


Be positive and optimistic in this section, acknowledging achievements, strengths, and expressing hope that the recommendations will be addressed, leading to further development and progress. Here are some ideas on how you can achieve this:

  • Overall, [your colleague’s name] has demonstrated strong performance and valuable contributions to the team. By addressing the areas for improvement outlined in this report, [he/she] can further enhance their skills and continue to grow professionally. I appreciate [his/her] hard work and dedication and look forward to [his/her] continued success.
  • In conclusion, it’s been a pleasure to reflect on [you colleague’s name]’s contributions and areas of growth. Their dedication and proficiency in various aspects of their role have undoubtedly propelled our team forward. While I’ve highlighted areas for development, it’s important to recognize the significant progress already made. With focused attention and support, I am confident [you colleague’s name] will continue to flourish and contribute positively to our collective success. I look forward to witnessing [his/her] continued growth and the valuable impact they will undoubtedly make.

Universal Transferable Skills

You may be well aware of the fact that, regardless of our roles, certain skills are transferable and essential. Below is a table listing 3 such skills. You will also find effective phrases for addressing them both as strengths and weaknesses. Note that if you are writing upon someone else’s request, you need to change “you” to the name of your colleague. If it’s the colleague who has requested the feedback, address them directly.

SkillPhrases for positive feedbackPhrases for negative feedback
1. communication1) You excel at fostering open and transparent communication within the team.
2) Your communication skills are excellent; you articulate your ideas clearly and concisely.
3) You have a knack for listening attentively and responding thoughtfully during discussions.
1) There are instances where your verbal/written communication could be more concise.
2) It would be beneficial to work on actively listening to others’ perspectives without interrupting.
3) Consider providing more context in your emails to ensure recipients fully understand the message.
2. problem-solving1) Your problem-solving abilities are exceptional; you consistently approach challenges with creativity and resourcefulness.
2) I admire how you systematically analyze complex problems and develop effective solutions.
3) I appreciate your willingness to take on new challenges and find solutions outside of your comfort zone.
1) Sometimes, it would be helpful to ask others for their thoughts before making a decision.
2) Before deciding, try to find different solutions instead of choosing the first one you think of.
3) Occasionally, you may overlook potential consequences or risks associated with proposed solutions.
3. teamwork1) Your teamwork skills are exemplary; you consistently collaborate effectively with colleagues to achieve shared goals.
2) You’re great at cultivating strong connections with your coworkers, creating a supportive and cooperative workplace atmosphere.
3) Your active involvement in team discussions is greatly appreciated, along with the valuable insights and perspectives you contribute.
1) You probably need to make sure that everyone in the team gets a fair chance to be involved and participate.
2) Sometimes, you may need to compromise or negotiate more effectively when conflicts arise within the team.
3) Sometimes, you might focus more on your own tasks than on what the team needs to do together. This can make the team less effective overall.

Sample report

Let us provide you with an example of a feedback report on an English teacher, using the phrases and tips outlined in this article. The report is written at the request of the teacher’s supervisor and is therefore addressed to her.

Feedback report on Jane Smith ✍️

The purpose of this feedback report is to provide English teacher Jane Smith with constructive insights on her performance over the past 6 months. The feedback aims to recognize her strengths and highlight areas for improvement to support her professional development and contribute to her students’ success.

Jane consistently demonstrates strong classroom management skills, creating a positive and conducive learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and engaging in discussions. For example, in a recent class focused on conversational skills, Jane noticed that some students were hesitant to speak due to language barriers. To foster participation, she introduced a “language exchange” activity where students shared stories from their cultures. Jane facilitated the exchange by providing prompts and guiding discussions, ensuring everyone had a chance to contribute. By the end of the session, students were actively engaged, practicing English in a supportive environment.

Another strength I’d like to mention is Jane’s exceptional problem-solving skills. I admire how she systematically analyzes complex problems and develops effective solutions. For example, during a recent grammar lesson, she noticed that several students were struggling with the concept of verb tenses. Instead of simply reiterating the rules, she devised a series of interactive exercises and mnemonic devices to help students grasp the concept more effectively. Through her creative approach, Jane not only addressed the immediate challenge but also empowered her students with lasting problem-solving strategies.

While Jane is highly capable, she sometimes struggles to delegate tasks effectively, leading to an overwhelming workload. I suggest that she consider assigning specific responsibilities to students or colleagues who can assist with administrative tasks or lesson preparation. This delegation of duties would definitely alleviate her burden and prevent potential burnout.

Overall, Jane Smith has demonstrated strong performance and has contributed to her students’ language skill improvement. By addressing the area for improvement outlined above, she can further enhance her skills and continue to grow professionally. I appreciate her hard work and dedication and look forward to her continued success.


Before we say goodbye today, let us remind you that “feedback” is an uncountable noun. We do not say “feedbacks”. What we can count are “pieces of feedback” or “feedback reports”.

We hope this post has been helpful. Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

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